Good morning ,
The final numbers are in!
Connecticut  takes it! 54 for June with a Grand total of 137 for the Quarter! They win the HDS 12 Touch.
North Carolina for second! 43 June with a Grand total of 105 for the Quarter! They win the HDS 9 Touch.
New Hampshire rounds out the top three with 56 for June and a Grand total of 93 for the Quarter! (actually had the most submissions for June) They win the HDS 7 Touch.
Some additional notes.
Louisiana 44 for June but virtually nothing in April and May. If they keep it up, they could be a contender!
Delaware was in third place after the first two months of the quarter, but slipped in June!
South Dakota comes in 5th place! 21 for June Grand total 57 for the Quarter! Coming on strong!
All prizes will be the next week when Doug returns from ICAST. Let me know if any State has not received their banners and hats.
All numbers reset to zero and It started July 1st!
The Facebook program is based on a points system. Points are awarded for posting on Lowrance’ s Facebook as follows:
1 point:   Post or picture about Lowrance
2 points:   Video with Lowrance
3 points:   Video with Lowrance tip
1 point bonus:  Potential for special circumstances.  Eligibility will be determined by Lowrance. 
When you post videos, it is important that you notify me by email at .
How to participate:
Any B.A.S.S. Nation member can make a post.  Lowrance Facebook site is located at: .  The B.A.S.S. Nation member will need to “like” the Lowrance Facebook page first.
For State to get credit for the post,  it must begin with “ #Lowrance BN and the two digit State abbreviation”, then post. 
An Example for Alabama it would be:    (begin post as)  #Lowrance BN AL . 
I will provide an updated “Standing” list at the beginning of each month so you will know how you did the previous month.   
The program will run January through March, April through June, July through September. It will reset to zero at the beginning of each quarter.
The awards will be given at the end of each quarter. The awards are:
HDS 12 touch – 1st place
HDS 9 touch   –  2nd place
HDS 7 touch   –  3rd place
So awards will be sent out in April, July, and October.
There is no limit on how many times a State can win. 
Jon Stewart
Director, B.A.S.S. Nation